Self Education
Welcome to the Self Education section of our website. This page is dedicated to providing a rich collection of PDF books and links to help you understand Christianity better and grow your faith. Our resources cover various aspects of Christian life, teachings, theology, and much more.
What You'll Find Here
PDF Books: A carefully curated selection of books that delve into the fundamentals and intricacies of Christianity. These books are perfect for both new believers and those who wish to deepen their understanding.
Educational Links: Links to trusted websites and articles that offer insightful perspectives and valuable knowledge about the Christian faith.
Faith Growth: Resources aimed at nurturing and expanding your faith through study and reflection.
Stay Updated
We are committed to keeping this section fresh and updated with new information regularly. Whether it's newly published books, insightful articles, or inspiring testimonies, you can always find something new to explore and learn.
Suggested Reading Material
Are there any lasting consequences to eradicating the distinction of genders? The answer is YES and those consequences have proven to be devastating. In the new and improved THIRD EDITION of his book, “Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism”, Dr. Frank Turek challenges the idea that same-sex marriage and transgenderism pose absolutely no threat to modern society.
Having read quite a few Christian apologetics books, I feel I can say that this one is by far the best in scope, logic, and wit. The authors convincingly build up their case in layers, starting with well-reasoned arguments why God exists, and building in stages as to why Jesus is the way to go, once everything else is accepted.
Atheists can’t make their case without appealing to realities only theism can explain. In an engaging and memorable way, Stealing from God exposes these intellectual crimes atheists are committing and then provides four powerful reasons for why Christianity is true.